Wednesday, 5 October 2011

US Trip Part 4 - Star Trek Convention

Yes, it's been over a month since I got back and I'm still posting about my trip.  I think one of my goals next trip will be to post everyday!

One of the main reasons I went to the US was to go to Creation Entertainment's Las Vegas Star Trek Convention.  There are Star Trek Conventions all over the US (and the world) each year, but the one in Vegas is by far the biggest.

I am a Trekkie, but had never been to a convention before (in Australia or overseas) so I didn't know quite what to expect.  Star Trek fans can have a reputation for being ... obsessive?  eccentric?  just plain weird?  But in reality, we are just normal people who enjoy the show.  Yes, a lot of people (including myself) were in costume, but it isn't like we wear them on a day to day basis.

In my Star Trek uniform
Being the biggest convention, (and also the 45th) anniversary of Star Trek, there were a done of guests.  I'm so glad I attended this year because it was Leonard Nimoy's last Vegas convention (and his last convention ever was the one scheduled two weeks later in Chicago). 

With Leonard Nimoy

With William Shatner & Patrick Stewart

With the actors that played Klingons - in full costume & makeup
All the guests were fabulous and really do seem to appreciate the fans. Apart from getting to see the various actors / have photos / autographs etc, the highlight for me was definitely the costume competition - the effort some people put into their costumes (and their sewing skills) are incredible.

Winner of the costume competition

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