Wednesday, 14 September 2011

12WBT Pre-season task 6: Kitchen Makeover

Considering the 12WBT has already started, I'm a bit late in posting these, but better late than never!

Pre-season task 6 was the kitchen makeover.  I never really have much junk food in the house, but the problem is that isn't because I don't buy it, it's just it gets eaten far too quickly! 

The "bad" things I did have, and am not throwing out, are as follows:

  • Icing sugar and various other baking ingredients: we are having a morning tea at work this week for everyone that has birthdays in September (which includes me).  I am making a cake, because I love to bake, and at least then I know what has gone into it. I will just be ensuring I have a VERY small slice and count the calories.
  • Diet Coke / Pepsi Max: I love diet coke.  There, I said it. In fact, in my Year 12 year book, we all had a bit of a bio about us, listing likes/dislikes/goals and a quote.  My quote was "I need a Diet Coke".  I had as a goal for Round 2 to give it up, and to be honest, I never even attempted it.  GOAL FAIL.  I was going to make it as a goal this time, and then I thought to myself - is it realistic for me?  The reality is, I like drinking diet coke.  I don't drink alcohol, do drugs, or smoke, my one vice has always been diet coke (ok, that and chocolate, but I will be eating a lot less of that during the 12WBT).  In order for me to focus more on the diet and exercise, and not feel like I'm depriving myself of everything I like, I'm not planning on giving up diet coke.  Having said that, I do plan on increasing my water intake, which should result in a reduction of the amount of diet coke I drink.

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